2016-08-08 15:34
目前数单亚马逊物流派送的包裹,单号为TBA******,显示8月3日由Daniel签收。因仓库并无名叫Daniel的员工,并且重新扫描所有在库包裹,仍未找到,因此很可能亚马逊物流送错地址被别人签收,亚马逊物流为整托盘派送,而且货送到仓库后,并未每单扫描,所以才会发生系统中判定的签收与实际签收人不符的情况( 根据目前反馈并无发现其他派送错误的情况,如有类似情况也请及时与我们以及网站联系)。根据亚马逊的回馈,希望由风行(下文中的freight forwarder)协助将涉及的亚马逊的订单号、快递单号传真给美国亚马逊,亚马逊会再核对后进行补发或者退款操作。
Normally we would issue you a refund, but I checked and see that this order was sent to a freight forwarder. Amazon isn't responsible for shipments after they're delivered to a freight forwarder. I'm unable to refund your order unless we receive confirmation that the original item wasn't received by the freight forwarder.
In this case, you'll need to contact your freight forwarder and let them know about this issue.
If your freight forwarder says they didn't receive your order, please have your freight forwarder contact us via fax to confirm that the original package didn't arrive, and we'll be happy to replace or refund this order for you. We ask that they include your order number or tracking ID and e-mail address on their official letterhead in all correspondence with us. They can fax us at 206-922-5917, and we'll take appropriate action within 24 hours of receiving the information.